Does don't worry darling have an end credit scene? (2024)

Does don't worry darling have an end credit scene?

We can confirm that there is NOT an end credits scene after Don't Worry Darling, so feel free to leave the theater when the credits start to roll.

Is there a scene after the credits for don t worry darling?

However, Don't Worry Darling does not have an after credits scene. The closest the movie comes to a bonus tag in the credits is the waking gasp of Florence Pugh's Alice after Don't Worry Darling's ending, but that is heard right as the credits begin to roll, not after they conclude.

What is the twist at the end of don t worry darling?

The twist ending of Don't Worry Darling is that Victory is actually a simulation. Frank (Chris Pine) came up with this idea because he wanted men to be able to control women and live as if it's still the 1950s. Alice is understandably horrified to learn about what Victory really is.

Did she escape at the end of don t worry darling?

Alice Escapes Victory Project

Yes, Alice gets to the simulation's headquarters and puts her hands on the glass in the same way she did previously — an incident that is confirmed to have taken her out of the Victory Project and returned her to the real world.

Is Jack alive at the end of don t Worry Darling?

How does Don't Worry Darling end? In a fit of shock and fury, Alice kills Jack—which apparently also kills him in the real world. (Who knows how or why?) She takes off toward the in-simulation Victory headquarters, where the husbands congregate every day to exit the VR and re-enter reality.

Did Alice sleep with Frank in Don't Worry Darling?

[Spoiler Warning] At a dinner party, Frank claims that he and Alice slept together. It's the only indication of such an encounter during the film, and everyone—including Alice—seems shocked at the accusation. But she also doesn't deny it.

Will Don't Worry Darling have a second movie?

The best chance for Don't Worry Darling 2 to happen is that it becomes a big hit on HBO Max, allowing the sequel to be made exclusively for the streaming service. However, audiences should not be expecting to see a Don't Worry Darling sequel anytime soon.

Why did Alice see a plane crash?

Without witnessing the apparent plane crash, Alice might never have made such a breakthrough. This would mean that she would not have been able to become free of the Victory Project had she not seen the plane. For this reason, the plane in Don't Worry Darling can be seen as a symbol of Alice's escape.

Why did Alice wrap her head in Saran Wrap?

When Alice wraps her head in saran wrap to perhaps test her mortality, when she is crushed by a wall while cleaning the window, when she cracks eggs that turn out to be empty, and even the fake plane crash.

Why did Frank create the Victory project?

It's all created by Frank in the real world as a means to escape reality, giving people the chance to live happier lives where they are in control. The antagonist finds men who are unhappy with their normal lives and want an opportunity to be the ultimate provider for their wives.

What was wrong with the eggs in don t Worry Darling?

10 Don't Worry Darling's Empty Eggs Point To A False Reality

The shells with no real substance aren't just a strange, unsettling image, but a hint at Don't Worry Darling's deeper themes and twist ending.

Why were things exploding at the end of don t worry darling?

The best explanation for Don't Worry Darling's exploding lights is that it is a sign of the Victory Project's program breaking. In that case, the lights explode could symbolize the light bulbs going off in the minds of the women about what is really happening.

What does the egg scene in don t worry darling mean?

There is, of course, the infamous empty egg scene, where Alice cracks open egg after egg, revealing that there is nothing actually inside any of them. This does suggest that her reality is skewed, but it proposes another plot hole: how does eating and drinking work while in the Victory Project?

What happened to Margaret's child in don't worry darling?

The "Don't Worry Darling" Cast Reunite at NYC Premiere

In the real world, she lost her children, but in the fake world of the Victory Project she can have kids again. This also explains why Margaret lost her son when she went to the desert; he disappeared because he wasn't real.

Did Jack actually love Alice in don t Worry Darling?

It is no secret Alice and Jack are head over heels in love, but love makes people do crazy things. Jack, failing to provide for his girlfriend in the real world, entered them both into the distorted reality of Victory, where their life could be picture perfect and the way he wanted it to be.

Why did Alice hallucinate in Don't Worry Darling?

However, Alice begins to have hallucinations that she and only one friend can see. These hallucinations begin because the women are starting to realize that the 'seemingly perfect' way of life that surrounds them is a simulation. Their shared hallucinations are a state of limbo between the simulation and real life.

How did Jack get Alice in the simulation?

Once Jack has Alice captive, he straps her to the bed and uses a futuristic technology to upload her into the Victory simulation.

Where did Jack work in don't worry darling?

For most of Don't Worry Darling's story, Jack joins the other men of Victory in working for the Victory Project. Due to the classified nature of the project, Jack is not able to disclose his work with Alice.

What were the earthquakes in Don't Worry Darling?

The red planes are rumored to be a representation of the pair's subconscious minds urging them to leave. As for the earthquakes, TikTok users either believe they are an effect of all the men leaving at once, or it is simply the characters' physical bodies shifting positions in the real world.

What is the hidden meaning of don't worry darling?

Don't Worry Darling's ending reveals that Victory is a simulated reality, and Alice breaks free from it to return to her real life. Alice's real-world relationship with Jack is strained due to gender dynamics and resentment over her being the breadwinner. The film combines elements of The Stepford Wives.

What was the rumbling in Don't Worry Darling?

What was that rumbling? When Alice is making Jack breakfast, and later when she's shopping with her gal pals, the world around them shudders violently, rattling glass and nerves. Peg (a crackerjack Kate Berlant) speculates that the rumblings come from underground laboratories, where Project Victory is building weapons.

What was the saran wrap scene in don t worry darling?

Alice finds herself crushed between the wall of her house and the window. She wraps plastic wrap around her own head. In the film, all of these visuals are quite effective in creating two of the most important elements of a mystery-thriller: true curiosity and deep unease.

Who is Frank's wife in Don't Worry Darling?

Frank's wife, Shelley (Gemma Chan), stabbed him to death in the construct, angry at how he failed to stop Alice. Thus, he would die in the real world, too, allowing her to fully take over the operation. Her full plan wasn't explained, however, as Don't Worry Darling ended with Alice's escape.

Who is the real villain in don t worry darling?

Frank to Alice. Frank is the main antagonist of the 2022 psychological thriller film Don't Worry Darling. He is a mysterious scientist who is Shelley's husband, Jack's boss, and the founder of the "Victory Project". However, when Alice discovers conspiracy on him and his work, she learns his dark secret.

Why did Alice see Margaret in the mirror?

It seems as though accidentally unplugging herself from the VR simulation and becoming vaguely aware of her surroundings' artificiality causes Alice to hallucinate; she imagines the walls of her house are closing in and at one point sees her friend Margaret in the reflection of a mirror.


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated: 29/05/2024

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